Greetings ! My name is Deban Vithuran. I am a developper and an entrepreneur. I work for innovation and human kind as a developper and future leader of tomorrow's technology.

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Special Skills


Technological knowledge is key to
opening new gates for innovation. For now, i believe that Blockchain & Big Data are the key to develop other technologies.


Effectiveness is probably the most important quality in order to make the most the time we have. We need a good understanding of innovative technologies to show our ability to change and build the best products or services.


One rare ability is polyvalence because most people are programmed by education to do specific tasks. So being in touch with various projects in various domains make me polyvalent.

My Future Project

Sit tight, i am developing a revolutionnary idea which is going to change the way we handle surfing on the internet in order to improve your economic power and your privacy during the next century.